We are testing a Self-Screening Module in TeacherEase Parent portal for those students attending In-Person learning. If you receive a Self-Screening Questionnaire when you login to the Parent Portal please feel free to enter the information. This is not a requirement at this time but may be in the future.
over 4 years ago, Gail Grissom
A short time ago, C-W Schools were notified of a potential robbery in progress at a nearby bank. The schools were immediately locked down until it was determined to be a false alarm. The safety of our students and staff will always remain our number one priority. There was never a time that anyone was in danger, but it provided for a valuable training opportunity for everyone in our buildings. - Jon Julius, Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Jon Julius
CALENDAR CHANGE: Friday, Oct. 16 will now be a remote planning day for staff to close out the quarter. This is similar to a teacher's in-service day. Neither remote nor in-person learners will be attending and no meals will be served. Please note this in your calendars. Thank you for your understanding regarding these types of changes this year. - Jon Julius, Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Jon Julius
If your child(ren) will be attending After School Care in October, please return calendars and payment tomorrow. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
Monroe Parents: It's the time of year that we need to start thinking about warmer clothes and jackets. The weather is starting to cool off and is especially so first thing in the morning. Please pay close attention to the weather and make sure you send your child in appropriate clothing. We will continue to take as many breaks outside as possible to help give masks breaks. PE will also continue to be held outside as long as weather permits. Jackets are required when temp is below 60 degrees. Thank you so much for helping us out!
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
It's the time of year that we need to start thinking about warmer clothes and jackets. The weather is starting to cool off and is especially so first thing in the morning. Please pay close attention to the weather and make sure you send your child in appropriate clothing. We will continue to take as many breaks outside as possible to help give masks breaks. PE will also continue to be held outside as long as weather permits. Jackets are required when temp is below 60 degrees.
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parent reminder: Picture day is tomorrow for in house students. Remote learn students will be able to get school pictures taken in Nov. More info to come on that.
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
Important changes regarding remote learning are being implemented soon. All fully remote learners that wish to switch to in-person learning must notify the school asap and be prepared to start Monday, Sept. 28. In addition, fully remote learners will have the option to go to in-person learning at the start of each quarter, and also the mid-term points of each quarter from now on. This is a change from our original plan. In-person learners still have the option to go to remote learning at any time. Also, all jr/sr high school students that are in-person learning will start attending every day beginning Oct. 19 (start of 2nd quarter). The block schedule and early dismissal time will still be in effect. Please remember to continue doing your part to help keep our community's infection rate low! Thank you. - Jon Julius, Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Jon Julius
Monroe Parents REMINDER: It's school picture time again! Monroe picture day is Wednesday, September 23, 2020. Forms went home last week. You can order online this year in addition to the traditional form of payment.
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
This week, the Casey-Westfield Schools have encountered the first positive cases of COVID-19 of the school year. Each building encountered one person that was infected. In working with the health department, all necessary steps have been taken to mitigate further spread. We have been very blessed with good health throughout the first four weeks of school. Our hope is that by adhering to the precautions and procedures that have been established that this will continue. We ask that our students, parents, and community members continue to do their part by monitoring their health daily, and staying at home if they are experiencing any symptoms of the virus. Minimizing the spread will enable us to have students in our schools as much as possible. We have had a great start to the school year and are continually striving to make things even better. Thank you for your support!
over 4 years ago, Jon Julius
A message for our Monroe Remote Learners...Being away from school means missing out on chances to interact with other students and adults; but you can still learn some important lessons about being a great friend, getting along with others, and how to control your emotions! Students at school are learning about good character and how to be our best. Remote learners can follow this link to find lessons on the School Counselor web pages: https://dianebolin.wixsite.com/counselor/learning-at-home
over 4 years ago, Diane Bolin
Dear Casey-Westfield parents: 2020 CENSUS COMPLETION DEADLINE IS APPROACHING!!!! Parents: The final day to complete the 2020 Census is September 30, 2020 2020 Census forms should have arrived in your mailbox in mid-March. Completing the Census is important for our school and community!! Here's why: The census count affects money that states get from the government. Without a fair and accurate census count, many programs that benefit our students and community may be affected. These programs include free lunch programs, community development block grants, education grants, the Children's Health Insurance Program, Medicaid, and Medicare. This year forms can be filled out over the phone, online, and by mail! Please help your school and community by completing the Census if you haven't done so already! If you completed and submitted your 2020 Census, thank you so much!
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents: Homework Help starts tonight (Tues. Sept 8) for our Monroe Students in 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Students attending Homework Help will be dismissed through the cafeteria doors (door N) on Monroe Street. These are the doors that students come out for regular dismissal. Students will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Thursday. There will be no Homework Help on Fridays. Please make sure your students know what to do for dismissal at 3:00 pm. Students who walk, will be sent on their way. Students who are being picked up, parents may park in the regular drop off/pick up location. Please be at the school promptly at 3:00 pm each day for pick up. **PLEASE NOTE: the 3:00 pm dismissal of Homework Help is different than in years past
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
If you are picking up lunches/breakfasts, details are below. Monroe: Pick up times are 10:30-11:00 AM on students attendance days. JSHS:Pick up times are 10:45-11:15 AM on students attendance days.
over 4 years ago, Jon Julius
Effective September 1, both breakfast and lunch will be free to all Casey-Westfield enrolled K-12 students for the first semester. The procedure will be different than it was over the summer. Meals will need to be pre-ordered. Grades 7-12 will need to call the JSHS and place an order for the specific day(s) and the meal(s) to be picked up for the week by 9:00 AM on the first day of the week. Grades K-6 will need to call Monroe by 2:30 on Friday to place their order for the specific day(s) and meal(s) for the following week. Both breakfast and lunch will be available without pre-ordering each day for in-person learners.
over 4 years ago, Jon Julius
The USDA has extended the free meals program. All enrolled K-12 students will receive free meals from the time period of Sept. 1 through December. Extra items are not included. Student accounts will be automatically adjusted from meals already charged this week and will not be charged the rest of the semester. No calls are necessary. Every student is automatically enrolled. https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2020/08/31/usda-extends-free-meals-kids-through-december-31-2020?fbclid=IwAR0KwsYBJ6e3uAOr66HG3K1hFcjZTK8ranSAFn53eLwBSSahrSfFqzlHGxs
over 4 years ago, Jon Julius
Parents, Recently we shared a request for assistance from you. We asked your help when dropping off your student(s), in the mornings at Monroe, that you do not block any driveways while you are waiting your turn to move forward and let your child(ren) out. We were notified today by the Casey Police Department that they will begin monitoring this situation and potentially giving tickets to those in violation of blocking private drives. Please help us by making sure that you allow for all driveways along the south side of Monroe street between Rt 49 and the school to remain open and clear. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents: Wooowhooo! We have made it through the first full week of school and things are running very smoothly. As we have adjusted, we have found we need to share some information with you. If you are arriving at Monroe after 8:05, please have your child enter the building at the Main office door (A) as the gym lobby doors are locked at 8:05 am. Also, please don't drop your children off at Monroe before 7:40 as there is no supervision prior to doors opening at 7:45. If your children walk to school, please practice timing so they arrive between 7:45 - 8:05 am. Thanks again for all you do!
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
Parents: When dropping off students or picking them up at Monroe, please be aware and considerate of the driveways along the route. We don't want to block people in when they need to get out for work or other reasons. Thanks so much.
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell
Casey-Westfield School District is seeking applicants for substitute custodians, kitchen staff, and classroom aides to work day and evening hours in all schools. Starting salary begins at $13.00 per hour depending on the position. Applications are available at the Unit Office, 502 E Delaware, Casey. Applications may be returned to the Unit office, Monroe Elementary School, or the Jr./Sr. High School.
over 4 years ago, Linda Campbell