Sixth grade students created weather maps and gave their forecasts like meteorologists.
1 day ago, Elizabeth Collins
Mrs Sackrider's kindergarten class started their morning off right with Mrs. Athey and senior Allyson Truelove making the students green eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss week.
1 day ago, Lisa Sackrider
Our school is currently reading more than ever during our Read-A-Thon. We want to make this the most successful Read-A-Thon, but can't do it without your support. You can help us be successful by sharing your student's reading donation page and message with friends and family on Facebook. By using the link below to share, you can celebrate your child's achievements and support our school: Thanks so much, Monroe Elementary School
3 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
My 5th grade students are sewing again! They nailed these stuffed monsters! Don't you agree? The creativity and craftsmanship for this project was some of the best this school year!
3 days ago, Sarah Kusterman
5th grade studies
Allie Taylor
Sunny Mayhall
Nolan Wilson
Mrs. Sackrider's kindergarten class doubled up on math today. When using fun and cute little erasers, working on teen numbers isn't so bad. After doing a great job on teen numbers and in honor of the Dr. Seuss book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, we pulled out some colorful Swedish fish and graphed them.
3 days ago, Lisa Sackrider
This last week in the Zone Room we have been talking about Empathy (the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another person) We read the book "Stand in my Shoes" by Bob Sornson and then the students were able to participate in an activity where they shared what they would want others to know about them "if someone were to stand in their shoes..."
4 days ago, Bethany Littlejohn
Friendly reminder that tonight Monroe will host "Mad Science" Family Reading Night! We are excited to host the Mad Science St. Louis company for a couple of our activities! Come join us! Don't forget to log those minutes read for Read-A-Thon!!!
4 days ago, Audra Taylor
Science Night
"Read Across America Week" is off to a great start! Students and staff dressed as one of their favorite characters from a Dr. Seuss book.
4 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
We had our first dress rehearsal for our musical "Annie Jr." last night! We cannot wait to share it with you! Tickets are available in advance at the high school office or will be available at the door! Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:00 PM and also Saturday at 2:00 PM! $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for students! Come support the Casey-Westfield Drama and Choir Departments!
5 days ago, Ivy Schmidt
Cast A orhpans
8th graders took their annual trip to Candles Holocaust Museum.
5 days ago, Chelsey Taylor
Monroe Families: We kindly ask that you help us out by completing the 5Essentials survey. We appreciate you providing us with feedback and valuable data to improve our school. The survey window will close on March 28, 2025. 5Essentials Survey for parents is live, please fill out the survey at the following link. Thank you so much! Kacie Rhoads
5 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
Activate your child's account today! We're thrilled to announce that our Read-A-Thon is underway! We're counting on you to make it a success. If you haven't already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page by clicking on the following link: It only takes a minute or two, and your support will greatly assist us in meeting our financial goals. Thank you for your help in reaching our goal. Mrs. Rhoads
6 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
Third graders learned about planets this week in Ms. Spittler's class. Students crafted models of our solar system in excitement for the planetary parade tonight.
6 days ago, Ashley Spittler
Read Across America Dress-Up days begin this Monday, March 3!
8 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
Dress-up days
This year's Read-A-Thon just got a lot more exciting! 📚
9 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
Read-A-Thon Incentives
Call us crazy, but today we attempted kiln fire clay with kinders! They blew us away! We pounded, rolled, traced, and sculpted butterfly designs. I cant wait to share the finished products!
9 days ago, Sarah Kusterman
Finished piece before fired
❗❗Attention parents of 4th-6th grade girls❗❗ We are excited to roll out a 6 week (Wednesdays) after school program to help inspire girls to make healthy choices, build confidence, and show kindness. Be on the lookout for forms to be sent home with all girls, 4th-6th grade, next week!
9 days ago, Bethany Littlejohn
Strong girls
permission form
Read-A-Thon kicks off in just a few days! Here is a message from our wonderful librarian staff, Becky Stutesman and Dara Livvix: With this year's annual Read-A-Thon quickly approaching, the Monroe Library staff would like to thank you for your continuous support and donations to your child's reading journey. Our library relies fully on fundraising and donations to purchase the needed books and supplies to keep our students engaged in reading. With your generous donations we have been able to purchase hundreds of new books, new book shelves, book repair supplies, AR Brag Tags, AR party supplies, and so much more!
10 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
Library Books
Monroe Elementary School has decided to hold a Read-A-Thon again this year! Read-A-Thons actually get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more. Our Read-A-Thon starts Sunday March 2, 2025. On Friday, we will send home instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress. We encourage you to activate your reader’s account over the weekend by clicking on and following the simple instructions. We've chosen Read-A-Thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read and helps in the development of stronger reading skills. We hope EVERYONE participates. Thanks so much, Kacie Rhoads
12 days ago, Kacie Rhoads
📢Order your Yearbook now! The deadline to order is quickly approaching-- March 2. Yearbook Sales Period: 01/20/2025-03/02/2025 Student Cost of the Yearbook: $14.50 Online Store Link:
12 days ago, Kacie Rhoads